September 19     ₿lockheight: 808,448

BT⚡TV 10: Joe Allen – Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity


Don’t forget to help out with the Kimberly Neudorf GiveSendGo: Convicted and fined $37,000+ for protesting the lockdowns. Kick in what you can, here.

I met Warroom correspondent Joe Allen through my appearances there and we began corresponding and comparing notes on transhumanism, techno-utopianism and technocracy.

When I heard he had written a book Dark Aeon I ordered it immediately and dove in. It’s a great read, and I was thrilled to be able to get him on BombthrowerTV to discuss is.


Don’t forget to help out with the Kimberly Neudorf GiveSendGo: Convicted and fined $37,000+ for protesting the lockdowns. Kick in what you can, here.

Show Notes

BT⚡TV 10: Joe Allen – Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity


Dark Aeon, Joe Allen, Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity, transhumanism

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  1. Really enjoyed this one. I’m reading Dark Aeon at present …Joe writes so well, I can hear his voice as I read. So much happening at this point in time…most of it has scary possibilities!

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