May 11, 2024     ₿lockheight: 843,032

Sapiens is a terrible book

By Marty Bent via

One of Davos’ favorite front men, Yuval Noah Harari, joined the BIS Innovation Summit earlier this week to spread some laughable anti-bitcoin propaganda. During his chat, Harari opined that “as a historian” he does not like bitcoin because it is a “currency based on distrust”. Here’s exactly what he said:

When I look at bitcoin as a historian I don’t like it because this is a money built on distrust. The central idea of bitcoin is basically electronic gold, that we don’t trust the banks, the governments so we don’t want to give them the ability to create as much money as they like. So we create this bitcoin. It’s a currency of distrust.

I do think that the future belongs to electronic money, but what we’ve seen over the last centuries is that it is actually a good idea to give banks and governments the ability to create more and more money in order to build more trust within society. So, I’m not sure what money would look like in 20 years or 30 years, but I hope that it would be a currency of greater trust and not a currency of distrust. -Yuval Noah Harari, famed Malthusian Nihilist and mediocre author

Wow. This is what we in the psy-op world like to call “gaslighting”. It’s a tactic used to make someone believe something that is totally false and most likely never happened is actually true. When it comes to Harari’s specific comments on the history of humanity he is attempting to gaslight people into believing that giving governments and central banks the ability to “create more and more money in order to build trust within society” has actually happened. Nothing could be further from the truth and one only needs the ability to pick their head up from their phone, look around at the state of the world and recall four years of history to refute this objectively insane point of view.

Do you all remember when a majority of the world’s governments banded together to shut down the global economy while flooding the global economy with TRILLIONS of dollars of liquidity? I think we can all agree that this was most likely the most extreme example of central planning on the political and monetary fronts that the world has ever seen. If we are to follow Harari’s logic that this level of coordination and central control over the monetary system, one would have to be able to look out at the world right now and confidently say that collective trust in governments and banking institutions by the people is at an all time high.

Clearly, this is not the case. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Trust in political and financial institutions is as low as it has ever been. The Common Man is suffering under the weight of price inflation and is beginning to question the validity of government spending programs. Particularly here in the US. The geopolitical landscape is shifting toward a multi-polar world as large governments are finding it impossible to trust each other. This increasing distrust is being driven by the fact that some governments used their “trusted” control over the international monetary system to freeze the assets of a sovereign nation. We don’t even have to mention the bail out of the banks during the Great Financial Crisis, the forever wars in the Middle East, or the silencing of the whistleblowers who tried to make people aware that their governments cannot be trusted. Harari is either completely disconnected from reality or being completely disingenuous. I have a feeling it’s most likely the latter.

This particular line of thinking shouldn’t be surprising coming from Harari and the fact that he said this at a digital summit thrown by the Bank for International Settlements should be even less surprising. The BIS is the top borg bank that would like to cattle herd the world into a digital panopticon that runs on a CBDC that can be granularly controlled by “trusted banks and governments”. Bitcoin is, quite literally, the biggest threat to their existence because it enables individuals to opt-out of a system dependent on trusting central planners.

Trying to tap into people’s emotions by framing the discussion of “electronic money” myopically and attempting to reduce the decision making process to a knee jerk reaction based on the connotation of the juxtaposition of “distrust v. trust” is truly some lowest denominator argumentation. One would have to truly believe that most people are not only dumb, but extremely dumb.

“Distrust in government bad. Trust in government good. Therefore, government controlling money good.” Caveman shit.

Luckily for us, no one is buying Harari’s BS and Satoshi Nakamoto designed bitcoin in a way that allows us to break free from the madness of trusting governments and central banks. As he pointed out in February of 2009, the history of currencies is littered with breaches of trust by governments and central banks. Trusting these entities with the power to issue currency has proven to be catastrophic for whole societies. Trust needs to be completely removed from the process by leveraging a system that cannot be controlled by any individual, group, company or government and that is what bitcoin brings to the world. Individuals shouldn’t have to trust anyone but themselves to know what’s going on with their money. “Don’t trust, verify” is the ethos that bitcoin embodies and empowers individuals with. It’s a beautiful thing and it scares the ever living shit out of the Harari’s of the world.

The Davos class is desperate and scared, as is evidenced by the nonsensical assertion put forth by Harari earlier this week. This should encourage you. Lean in. They know they’re losing the narrative battle.

We’re going to win.

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About the author 

Marty Bent

Founder of, Managing Partner at Ten31

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  1. Marty

    There's two types of trust and distrust. The first is fiat trust and distrust, which is just sour grapes garden variety complaining not born of necessity and backed by action. The second is real, visceral, revolutionary trust and distrust backed by life-changing necessity and action.

    You are addressing the fiat variety while Hariri is addressing the real kind. Which is why you're response to what he said is reactionary and political. Note that I'm not fan of Hariri myself.

    99pc of dissidents ain't doing shit about their fiat distrust beyond virtue signalings like buying guns and Bitcoin. That ain't shit. Otherwise the rest of their life looks like anyone else's, which is to say pretty goddamn trusting. 99pc of dissidents just want a new government and what is that?

    That's trust in government. Real trust, Why do dissidents, even, place such real trust in government? Because everybody knows that centralization is what holds the whole shebang together and keeps everyone alive regardless of the corrupt shitshow, bread, and circuses. So your call for the decentralization of finance is no less utopian than Davos' techno-utopia (from its perspective.

    We're experiencing structural collapse of civilization. But most everyone can't face up to that and just wants to blame the managerial class for the unavoidable decline in living standards, which is just more fiat behavior. It's pathetic. If they didn't print trillions during COVID what do you think would have happened ffs? Would you rather have bread on the shelves right now or would you not?

    1. > So your call for the decentralization of finance is no less utopian than Davos' techno-utopia (from its perspective.

      Differences being one system takes a lot less energy and resources to maintain than the other with the increase in complexity over time. Crazy what amount of resources of the people gets freed when you no longer have to nearly feed as much global gonfei class and maintain obsolete infrastructure they are reliant upon (i.e. the issues with CMBS didn't just appear out of no where with the scamdemic and as they say, just the tip).

      > We're experiencing structural collapse of civilization.

      No, we're not. Replacing most bureaucrats with easily verifiable, public lines of code that people can opt in to using is hardly that. I'm sure the church was proclaiming the structural collapse of civilization when martin luthur pinned some docs to a door though regardless of people actually believing that load of BS or not.

      > If they didn't print trillions during COVID what do you think would have happened ffs?

      People would have ignore lockdown orders even more and continued to produce goods and services for each other.

      Regardless, we know national governments will continue to borrow and debase, some more than others (as they all have since our records from ancient mesopotamia have shown), supported by their central banks. People freely opting into systems that stand to gain from such (and become stronger when attacked), even with simple actions, will at the margins only make costs of maintaining the status quo even more expensive for them. Opt – in globally decentralized governance structures already exist and will to obsolete those that try to make it a PITA to opt out from…

      The public key cryptography genie has been out of the bottle for a long time, only that its cheaper than ever for even normies (way more than "99% of dissidents") to use it (and increasingly more so), which of course the gonfei in centralized institutions who have no incentive to automate their jobs away, will cling to any hope with their davosian hymms.

      1. GC

        We don't know that governments will continue to borrow and debase. Why would the Elites, as the gargantuan savers that they are, want to debase their savings? They obviously wouldn't. So deflation it is, because they're not stoopid and savers make the biggest killings possible during deflationary spirals.

        You can groundless say, "no we're not" experiencing a structural collapse yet oil production — with oil as the master resource — is still less than it was in November 2018 and has been dropping at an average of about 4pc a year since then. And that's not even counting the declining embodied energy per unit volume…

        Structural collapses of civilizations are thermodynamic collapses. Just because the 5yr old Non-Public Degrowth Agenda is masking global energy collapse doesn't mean it isn't happening. The proof is in the pudding, GC.

  2. All too well written for this to be anything but a minor error:
    They know their [THEY'RE] losing the narrative battle.

    1. Fully, brother. Lieberman with the Kill Switch, from the other side. Full spectrum dominance. Whatever Leo wants Leo Getz. And we're getting an engineered National Socialism under Tulsi Gabbard after Trump picks her and then gets mixed himself. That's what Leo wants. Which actually means a conservative, decentralized left libertarianism. Bitcoin etc will get outcompeted with a post-Fed, encrypted, digital public banking scheme. That's what the FedNow-Treasurydirect nexus is actually laying the groundwork for rather than the CBDCs which are a misdirection play. We're talking digital Greenbacks here. Believe that. Ain't gon be no need for crypto then.

      Why is that what we're looking at? Cuz the Elites put there pants on one leg at a time just like us and want to survive the structure collapse, too.

    1. The blockchain is on satellites now. So when the grid comes back up your Bitcoin is still there.

      Or you get out of the area to where there is power. And it’s easier to do so than lugging your gold.

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