Late Stage Globalism Is A Tale of Narratives vs Networks
Over the past few weeks in my weekly #AxisOfEasy newsletter I’ve been covering how Big Tech and the corporate media tried, unsuccessfully, to keep a lid on the Wuhan Lab origin narrative. At one point I half-joked “I’ll shut up about this when it’s safe to talk about Ivermectin”. This week, I did end up writing a piece about Ivermectin, namely how doctors can’t even mention it in their videos or podcast appearances without being penalized by social media platforms.
Brett Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist who has studied bats (from which COVID-19 purportedly originated) was recently on Triggernometry, the UK based podcast that my company, easyDNS, has been sponsoring since mid-2020. It turns out that neither Weinstein nor Triggernometry can say the word “Ivermectin” in their shows. If they do they’ll get an automatic takedown by YouTube and a strike on Facebook for violating community standards.
Matt Taibbi recently posed the question “Why has ‘Ivermectin’ become a dirty word?” He cites Dr. Pierre Kory in his testimony to a US Senate Committee hearing on medical responses to COVID-19 in December 2020. Kory was referring to an existing medicine that was already FDA approved that he was describing as a “wonder drug” in treating COVID-19, that drug was Ivermectin.
This Senate testimony was televised and viewed by approximately 8 million people. YouTube removed the video of this exchange. They later suspended the account of the United States senator who invited Dr. Kory to speak. (Kory also appeared on Brett Weinstein’s show and they took down that as well).
Associated Press for their part “fact checked” the senate testimony, and because, in their words “there is no evidence that Ivermectin is a ‘miracle drug’ against COVID”, they labeled it as false:
CLAIM: The antiparasitic drug ivermectin “has a miraculous effectiveness that obliterates” the transmission of COVID-19 and will prevent people from getting sick.
AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. There’s no evidence ivermectin has been proven a safe or effective treatment against COVID-19.
First, I find it a little presumptuous for a wire service to be fact checking senate testimony. Isn’t the job of the committee holding the hearing largely that of fact-finding? Isn’t that the entire point? The ostensible role of the press should have been to simply report on what happened. What we got instead was an editorial wrapped in a logical fallacy (appeal to ignorance) that was passed off as some sort of objective truth.
The coronavirus has accelerated the timelines on a lot of tectonic shifts that were already in motion. It’s pulled forward effects that would otherwise would have taken years or possibly even decades to play out. One of those dynamics is that the mainstream corporate press has self-immolated their own credibility in the eyes of their rapidly dwindling audience.
Until now the masses seemed to be inculcated with the slow burn of endless propaganda and sermonizing from as far back as the days of Edward Bernays (who coined the word “propaganda”). Now with the pandemic and all this talk about a Great Reset and the New Normal because of a virus that was made more infectious in a Chinese lab funded by US technocrats, this is all beginning to look (in the immortal words of The New York Dolls) like “too much, too soon”.
It may turn out that there is a saturation level of manufactured narrative that the public can be led to believe or tolerate and beyond that point it all begins to look like hyperreality. Not only do fewer people believe it anymore, more of them are done with even pretending to believe it.
With too many things that were presented to us as truthful information over the last year turning out to be wrong, or a lie and almost everything that was dismissed as “already debunked conspiracy theory” turning out to have more substance, we may be crossing that point now.
Mainstream media audiences are in secular decline.
The biggest audiences to be found aren’t on CNN or MSNBC anymore, but most of the people still watching TV are watching FOX, mainly because Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham are calling b/s on nearly every establishment talking point.

But I’m looking beyond that, outside of network TV. The hottest news outlets are fast becoming independent journalists like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald, self-publishing via their Substack. That’s mainly email.
Joe Rogan has a larger audience than Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon combined. So too does Steve Bannon, btw. The few times I’ve been on his Warroom I was astounded at the reach of his audience. According to company sources he’s doing between 2.5 and 3.5 million downloads per day. The last people I would ever expect to be tuning into Bannon are telling me “I saw you on Warroom”. (It’s mind-blowing).
Zerohedge has more traffic than Huffington Post, Vox, Vice, The Atlantic and pretty well any of the other bluecheck nurseries for aspiring establishment shills.
It’s because of independent, renegade journalists and people writing outside of major outlets that these stories are starting go mainstream despite the best efforts of Big Tech, enforcing whatever canon the corporate press deems to be truth, or the establishment anointed “fact checkers” who try to step in whenever something looks to gain traction:
The Wuhan lab origin was suspected for over a year (and the Fauci emails prove it). Zerohedge was on it almost immediately and got deplatformed for their troubles. It was finally pushed over the line in a Medium post by Nicholas Wade over a year later.
Ivermectin may be next round and it looks like if it gets anywhere it will be thanks to people like Matt Taibbi and Brett Weinstein.
What is the common thread here? It’s the power of decentralized networks and open source protocols vs narrative control that is promulgated from global governments, amplified by the corporate media, and enforced by technocratic platforms.
This is why crypto currencies won’t die. This is why things like Signal, Telegram, Mastodon, Keybase are spreading like wildfire. This is why the best way to build an audience in this day and age is still email. Everything I wrote in my book on defending from cancel-culture and deplatform attacks is even more relevant today than when I released it last year (I made it available for free a few months later).
It may seem like the censorship is absolute and that the narrative and the spin is overwhelming. But take solace that it only appears that way because the facade is breaking. As more people realize that the centralized technocratic system is failing, those who’s privilege and position are premised on it have to double down, triple down. They have to burn the boats. They’re fully committed now and because they have no other choice they have to overstep and overreach. Too much, too soon. Too late.
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Excellent summary.
1. The Sozial Einheit Deutschland (SED) Party in the DDR at the end was also desperate. The collapse came from within. When I visited my relatives, I experienced the System.
2. I take ivermectin once per week as a prophylaxis.
3. Do you read or watch Victor Davis Hansen?
4. The left tried to destroy Bret Weinstein. His guests are the real experts in science and medicine. I download his videos before youtube bans them.
Your headline says it all.
My wife and I have been following Weinstein and Kory and numerous physicians and researchers, that are credentialed, experienced, and principled …. would love to see any one of them debate any fact checker.
We’re stunned how rapidly our world and our loyalties have shifted: in news, politics and especially health both here and south of the border. The people and commentators we once revered are history. We’re part of that the crowd now listening to Rogan, Fox, Bannon … never saw that coming.
And now we have some new ones to check out.
Many thanks for hope in the chaos.
FYI: the 2 1/2 hr Weinstein and Kory YouTube is still up. Search “ Crime of the Century”
FYI the 2 1/2 hr you Weinstein Kory YouTube is still up. Search “Crime of the Century”
This looks a lot like a modern version of the fall of the Roman Empire, but compressing a couple of hundred years into just a few.
Look out for parallels to some of the following which happened in the first quarter of the 3rd century (i.e 200 – 225)
* Rampant inflation as Rome tried to fund its rampant bureaucracy
* Granting of an elite privilege (Roman citizenship) to all residents of the empire – but that privilege turned out to be a way of expanding the emergency tax base (the "emergencies" having become annual and still unable to provide enough revenue)
* Ever more draconian restrictions on the populace in an attempt to enforce tax laws – these included restrictions on movement, and what professions people could enter.
* People escaping over the borders to live under "barbarian" rule. (The border "barbarians" were quite romanised in life-style but free).
Excellent screed. You could add vitamin D to the list. Decades of medical evidence have shown that vitamin D provides a huge boost to the immune system—especially for fighting respiratory infections, both viral and bacterial. Why is this never mentioned?
A recent paper from Israel may be of interest to your readers…
Awesome article. Gave me a little more hope. Thanks.
The logical fallacy of the Associated Press is "Absence of evidence equals evidence of absence." They say (first) that there is no evidence that Ivermectin works, therefore (second) the claim that Ivermectin works has been proven false. Of course AP is wrong in both the first and second statement. There is plenty of evidence to support the claims that Ivermectin works, and the claims in the Senate Committee were part of that evidence. Marc Jevfovic is entirely correct to point this out.
If Ivermectin gets somewhere it's due to thousands of people who have seen fair discussions in many parts of the Interwebs and have propagated the meme, which may just happen to be the truth.
This is what the censorious morons in the MSM and social media attempt to prevent.
I read that 13mg of Ivermectin per MONTH is sufficient… ?? My Naturopath prescribed it for me… a lot of Big Pharma tool MDs won't.
Thumbs up
Edward Bernays coined the term Public Relations.
propaganda came from the Catholic church many many years before Bernays.
uhhh the evil catholic church.. lol . Harmless structure.
Propaganda was used by babylonian kings also.
Bernays coined the term Public Relations, a euphemism for domestic propaganda.
Propaganda came from the Catholics in 1622.
This is a beautifully structured article. This is powerful, concise and utterly damning of the entire culture's intellectual degradation: "First, I find it a little presumptuous for a wire service to be fact checking senate testimony. Isn’t the job of the committee holding the hearing largely that of fact-finding? Isn’t that the entire point? The ostensible role of the press should have been to simply report on what happened. What we got instead was an editorial wrapped in a logical fallacy (appeal to ignorance) that was passed off as some sort of objective truth. — Thank you.
Hi. I think all of this bullcrap will stop when the mainstream media and social control tech companies start getting sued for deliberately censoring news on medications that could have been used to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. I hope that every surviving family in the US sues the crap out of all of these companies. I cannot see how Section 230 will protect them when they offer deliberately deceptive medical advice or maliciously interfere with the dissemination about scientifically validated, lifesaving medical treatments.
Pres. Trump needs to answer some questions under oath.
1. Did DC Intel brief him in early 2020 that there was a lab leak in Wuhan? i.e., the PDB was definitive?
2. Was the intel evidence captured by the NSA?
3. Given that the function of the NSA is to provide evidence to capture terrorists (established after Sept 11, 2001 attacks causing thousands of American deaths), and given that hundreds of thousands of Americans have died as a result of a "leaked" ccp bioweapon… will the NSA be searched for evidence of any American citizens, especially those in corporate, government, scientific, and media leadership roles, having electronic and telephonic comms about the pandemic between September 2019 and March 2020?
The unraveling of the COVID narrative will hopefully turn out to be that thread you pull on that causes a garment to fall apart.
With some luck, "climate change" will be next to fall. (It's debunking is already backed by an incredible mass of material that only needs reach a wider audience. An audience that will have been primed by the failure of the COVID narrative.)
The Mainstream Media/ Democrat Party members and Card Holders are THE JUDGE, THE JURY and THE EXECUTIONER! Makes it SOOOO darn convenient for them
Thanks fo the up date
Will check back
"It may seem like the censorship is absolute and that the narrative and the spin is overwhelming. But take solace that it only appears that way because the facade is breaking. As more people realize that the centralized technocratic system is failing, those who’s privilege and position are premised on it have to double down, triple down. They have to burn the boats. They’re fully committed now and because they have no other choice they have to overstep and overreach. Too much, too soon. Too late." HOORAY!!! Yes.
I take Ivermectin as a prophylaxis, Vit. D, Vit C, Zinc, Quercitin, Fish Oil etc. – and I have started a savings plan with bitcoin. Not being a guinea pig for Bill Gates, who has made a career out of helping when no one asked him to help and then bringing ruination, death,& paralysis, (Vaccines). Then in agriculture, the ultimate destruction of multi-produce farming in order to use his GMO seeds which removed the variety of produce in the diets.
GMO chickens that gave way to Bird flu that wiped out farmer's entire flock. He is a disaster. He thinks the African people are stupid and need him to step in to save them with his high minded ideas that don't work. How about helping with sourcing clean water supplies, how about helping with Vitamins and Minerals to boost the health. Vaccines are not going to prevent disease when peoeple are drinking dirty contaminated water.
I am 66 years old. As much as it seems that young people have drank the cool-aide regarding communism/socialism, we are fighting like hell to not let those failed deadly ideologies take hold. Despite how hard things seem to be right now, what a great time to be alive to bare witness
to the beginning of the Great Awakening and shift in power from the elite to the people.
Let them burn their boats – we will build new ones, maybe we will let them on if they swear they won't lose their way again.
You are so correct! Thank you for telling us the truth!!!