October 8, 2022


He wants Canadians to forget who is propping up Trudeau

Canada’s NDP leader Jagmeet Singh took Canada’s Thanksgiving weekend as an opportunity to virtue-signal on Twitter, where he blamed corporations and conservatives for causing “greedflation” that is gouging everyday Canadians at the cash register.

Meanwhile he single-handedly props up the government whose policies brought it about.


It’s not only disingenuous for Singh to be blaming Canadian businesses for inflation, he’s also trying to foist responsibility for it onto the Liberal and Conservative parties – as if the NDP is the blameless voice of reason in the room:

The reality is that it’s the Conservatives, and their newly elected populist leader  have effectively zero influence on policy in the House of Commons right now.


Because the Liberal government is literally kept in power by a coalition agreement with Jagmeet Singh’s NDPs. That agreement guarantees the Liberals will survive any non-confidence motions brought against them until their present term expires. That means that unless Jagmeet Singh himself, scraps this agreement, he, Jagmeet Singh, and not the Conservatives, much less Pierre Poilievre, is single-handedly keeping the Liberals in power. That means all the prevailing policies and their consequences are on him as much as they are on Trudeau.

It was the NDP who voted alongside the Liberals to enact the Emergency Powers Act in which the bank accounts of  “hardworking Canadians” were seized without due process. It was Jagmeet Singh’s NDP who then voted against a motion to overturn COVID mandates, and it was the NDP who voted against a motion to scrap the planned carbon tax hikes. That tax hike will triple the existing carbon tax, and that will also be paid for by “hardworking Canadians”.

(Trudeau, for his part, recently took a victory lap for increasing GST rebates on the heels of tripling the carbon tax. He wants you to thank him for giving you some of your own money back).

What really causes “Greedflation”?

For starters, the money supply (the literal definition of inflation) has doubled since the beginning of the Trudeau administration from 1.2T in 2015 to 2.4T today:

source: tradingeconomics.com

To be fair, the Canadian M2 money supply has been increasing steadily under all previous administrations, (because we live in a global fiat ponzi), but we can see that pronounced inflection point at the onset of the Covid pandemic. This happened worldwide as nation states blew out their respective money supplies by an aggregated 30 Trillion USD.

Against this backdrop, the Canadian dollar (alongside all other global currencies) has been in freefall against the USD – we’re witnessing the so-called “Dollar Milkshake Theory”, except it’s no longer a theory. As I covered in the most recent issue of my premium newsletter, it’s now The Dollar Milkshake Reality.

For many Canadian businesses, much of their input costs are largely denominated in USD. Their Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is rising, and as they sell their finished products to Canadians, they’re receiving CAD, which is falling.

This, coming off of two-years of lockdowns in which politicians and bureaucrats picked and chose which businesses were “essential” and which weren’t. Small and medium businesses were squeezed hard and big box and platform megaliths, the kind whose CEOs rub shoulders with the likes of Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh at Davos confabs, made out like bandits.

So the lockdowns are over, Covid is also over (like it or not), and the world it attempting to get back to normal. There’s only one problem. The rampant monetary and credit expansion in which the world’s central banks (Canada’s included) whose stated policies were to intentionally ignite inflation, finally got it.

But it wasn’t transitory, it’s now existential. We see glimpses of the stakes in places like Sri Lanka – where the populace overthrew their government, in Turkey – where the inflation rate is officially 90% and in Lebanon, where armed citizens have taken to storming banks to get their own deposits out.

It hasn’t gotten to that point here in Canada, yet. But it’s certainly entertaining to be lectured to and sermonized on corporate greed by a millionaire socialist who happens to be the one person in Canada who could single-handedly bring down the current government. The same government who went along with, even led the charge, on deranged Covid policies that got us into this mess.

Mark E. Jeftovic is the CEO of easyDNS, co-founder of Bombthrower Media, author and investor. Sign up for The Bombthrower mailing list to get updates straight into your inbox and get a free copy of The Crypto Capitalist Manifesto while you’re at it.
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About the author 

Mark E. Jeftovic

Mark E. Jeftovic is the founder of Bombthrower Media and CEO of easyDNS.com, a company he co-founded in 1998 which has been operating along the lines described within these pages.

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  1. Few weeks ago I researched gas prices
    It was US$0.99 cents in Florida and Texas (no wonder why so many americans are moving there)
    In Brazil (a "third" world country) it was US$1 dollar, also in Brazil the gas prices have been declining a slope of %20 since last year, meaning that from last year gas (and LNG) is getting cheaper in Brazil to buy gas and LNG… amazing is not?!
    But Brazil prez is smarter than Justin Castro cause he (Bolsonaro) did not adhered to the MIC sanctions against Motherland Russia therefore Russia is freely and rightfully so selling important and blessed fuels to Brazil.
    Meanwhile in chiNADA, especifically in woke B.C. gas price was few weeks ago the MOST expensive in the WHOLE Americas!!! More expensive than commiefornia!
    The Clintons promoted a nazi coup in Ukraine, bit prior to Russia did what they by logic did; invaded that snakes den, the bizarre Ukraine prez threatned Russia with nuclear armaments, so Russia had like any other woke western country would, invaded Ukraine and their nazi people on charge.
    chiNADA made me think about decades wasted due the impossibility to acquire real estate being a blue collar worker, due their gov threats on Freedom and Liberty, due to the socialist Liberals and commie NDP's, the paranoic and wrong Green Party (i used to support them can u believe it?!)…
    I really wish i could live in Florida not only for the marvelous weather but the way friendlier people.
    Oh chiNADA….

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